Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Great / Awful Demo...

Here's a very interesting recorded demo to check out:



Here’s what I liked:

- REALLY liked the “before” situation – very compellingly presented.
- The groovy music, rather than a “professional” voice-over with background thrumming…
- The recording/playback technology looks like a nice tool.

Here’s what I thought they could do better:

- What the heck is the deliverable??? What business process is this improving (web searching and information collection, I assume)?
- Make it easy to take action. The company name and URL or phone should have been displayed long and last, with opportunity to click.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the kind words and valid criticism. I thought it might help to provide some additional background.

    The video was originally created for a VC we were pitching. It was designed solely as "bait" to get them to respond to an email. An interesting "tip of the iceberg" kind of a thing, rather than a fully fleshed out sales proposition...

    It was also presented within a private context where the contact information was obvious. Other than the URL you posted, it was generally presented that way, rather than just blind.

    But you're quite right that I should have added contact info to the end of the video at that URL.

    For those that want to know how it was done, it was mostly digital stills & static screen grabs, live capture with Camtasia, and some tweaking in iMovie & Photoshop.

    Last but not least, the VC that we targeted did respond and we got our meeting...
