Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Tool to Capture Discovery Information

A very nice tool is now available to capture and communicate prospect discovery/qualification information, internally within your organization.

At a high level, the tool from pebble Discovery (www.pebblediscovery.com) helps to avoid your prospect asking,

“Didn’t I just answer all of these questions from your sales person last week?” – told to the presales person…

“Didn’t I just answer all of these questions from your presales person, before we signed the contact?” – told to the implementation team…

Here’s more from pebble Discovery’s 1-pager overview:

We provide a software system to support presales discovery efforts for software vendors and VARs.
· Get more done in less time.
o Leverage resources.
o Produce the one document prospects say will speed up the buying process.
· Optimize the investment for your prospect and you.
o Provide continuity between presales and implementation.

This system helps you establish:
· Why do they need a new system now
· Who’s involved in the buying process
· What are their hot buttons
· What are the functional requirements
· Limitations of the current system
· How your system can help the prospect
· What’s needed for a winning demo.

How It Works

Pebble Discovery is a client-server system. Discovery templates are maintained, by industry, on the server. Your presales people can enter information into their laptops offline and then sync with the server database. If you have multiple people working on a prospect, everyone can sync with the database to keep up-to-date. The information is then available to the implementation team who can also work offline on their laptops reviewing and analyzing the information they need.

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