Thursday, September 20, 2012

Trusted Advisor Workshops - New From John Care at Mastering Technical Sales

John Care at Mastering Technical Sales has just launched a new workshop offering on becoming a Trusted Advisor.  This material very nicely complements Great Demo! methodology – here’s the quick overview from John:

“Becoming a Trusted Advisor is not as simple as it sounds, which is why so many organizations either never try, or make a half-hearted effort. Trusted Advisor – two words, five syllables and fifteen letters hide a massive complexity. For the first time ever, there is now a workshop specifically designed to start the Sales Engineering organization on the journey to becoming a Trusted Advisor.

The workshop is based on the Mastering Technical Sales strategy and focuses on developing the professional skills to modify both the behavior as well as the actions required for an SE to be thought of as a T/A by the Customer. The practical components of the class show how a T/A would act during a sales cycle compared to a transactional SE when in front of a technical, business or executive audience.”

More information can be found on John’s website at

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