Monday, December 9, 2013

[Warning: Shameless Self-Promotion Alert!] Great Demo! Public Workshops – 2014 Schedule

We are offering three Great Demo! Public Workshops in 2014, as follows:

-          March 5-6 – Registration and additional information can be found at

-          May 21-22 – Registration and additional information can be found at

-          October 15-16 – Registration and additional information can be found at

These are 1.5-Day Workshops, with the first day focusing largely on core Great Demo! material, and the morning of the second day addressing more advanced topics and techniques.

Public Workshops take place in San Jose, California, in conjunction with the folks at SKMurphy.  They are excellent opportunities for individuals, small groups or for teams that have new hires.

We’ve found that these sessions are most productive when there are two or more participants from each organization (singletons are also fine). This helps to mimic real-life interactions as much as possible, both when preparing demos and delivering them in the role-play sessions.

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