Thursday, March 5, 2015

[Warning: Shameless Self-Promotion Alert!] 2015 Great Demo! Public Workshops

There are two Great Demo! Public Workshops currently scheduled for 2015, as follows:

-          May 14-15 – Near Salt Lake City, UT.  Registration and additional information can be found here.
-          October 14-15 – San Francisco Bay Area.  Registration and additional information can be found here.

These are excellent opportunities for individuals, small groups or for teams that have new hires. Both are 1.75-Day Workshops, with the first day focusing largely on core Great Demo! material and the second ¾ day addressing more advanced topics and techniques. 

The May 20-21 and October 14-15 Public Workshops will take place in the San Francisco Bay Area (Sunnyvale), in conjunction with the folks at SKMurphy.  

We’ve found that these sessions are most productive when there are two or more participants from each organization – and best when a combination of sales and presales participants are present (singletons are also fine). This helps to mimic real-life interactions as much as possible, both when preparing demos and delivering them in the role-play sessions.

PS - If you do decide to register for the San Francisco Bay Area Public Workshops and are coming from out of town, you might want to make reservations now at the hotel where the Workshop will take place (or nearby), as hotels in the area tend to fill up rapidly. 

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