Monday, October 3, 2016

[Warning: Shameless Self-Promotion Alert!] Great Demo! Public Workshop – October 12-13

There just a few seats remaining available for our next Great Demo! Public Workshop scheduled for October 12-13 in Sunnyvale, CA (Silicon Valley).  Registration and additional information can be found at

Public Workshops are excellent opportunities for individuals, small groups or for teams that have new hires.  They are 1.75-Day Workshops, with the first day focusing largely on core Great Demo! material and the second ¾ day addressing more advanced topics and techniques. 

We’ve found that these sessions are most productive when there are two or more participants from each organization – and best when a combination of sales and presales participants are present (singletons are also fine). This helps to mimic real-life interactions as much as possible, both when preparing demos and delivering them in the role-play sessions.

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