Monday, May 7, 2018

Great Demo! Success Story – Avoiding the POC, Getting the Order

This is the kind of message we love to see – from a Great Demo! Workshop graduate:

“Around two months ago, I was asked to help one of our account managers to scope a POC for a customer. The customer wanted to test our software first before deciding to buy it. I talked with the account manager and asked him for further details on what the customer wanted to achieve with this POC, what specific capabilities the customer was looking for. The account manager shared with me the information he had at hand, but we scheduled a phone call with the customer in order to make further discovery.

After we had the phone call, the customer’s specific capabilities were understood. I made a demo covering specifically what the customer wanted and scheduled another WebEx meeting to present it to the customer. As a result, the customer decided to skip the POC and sent a Purchase Order right away!”

Yes, indeed! 

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