Monday, October 15, 2018

Great Demo! Workshop Participant Report on The Menu Approach – From Skeptic to Success

Here is a slightly sanitized message from a recent Great Demo! Workshop graduate:

“I used the menu technique from the start.  I found quickly that addressing specific capabilities does not take up the full hour allotted to me.  Typically, if we tried to wrap up the meeting at this point, the customer would be looking over my shoulder for more (so to speak).  So, I developed the menu slide (with hyperlinks to specific capability slides for each option).

The first time I did it, I did not do a great job of ‘selling’ the menu.  In addition, the customer was in ‘we just asked for a demo so spoon feed me!’ mode.  It was also a WebEx 😐

However, we all got into the rhythm of it pretty quickly.  They actually saw that they could take me anywhere and despite the initial reluctance on their part (and my ineptitude) we had a really positive meeting, which was far more interactive than meetings previously.

The second time, armed with my experience, I actually called out that this was not a traditional demo and explained what I would be doing right from the start.  When we had covered the specific capabilities, up came the menu and this time I was more like a three-star waiter (definitely not a silver service waiter).  This one went really well, with lots of questions, discussion etc. and the meeting over ran.  Whilst we might not win them directly, they are definitely looking at our partners to provide our solutions.

Really enjoying using the Great Demo! theories.  My initial skepticism has gone away.  Am I an expert? No. Am I getting there? Possibly.  Have my demo’s improved? You’d have to get feedback from sales, but I find the meetings are more engaging and enjoyable.” 

For more info on the Menu Approach, see the article on our website at

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