Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dealing With "Just Show Me A Demo" – Here Are 5 (Gentle But Firm) Methods To Move Into A Discovery Conversation..

Far too often, prospects demand, “Just show me a demo…” when we know the correct approach is to invest, mutually, in a substantive Discovery conversation.  But how do we convince prospects to make this change?  Here are five ideas:

Prospect says, “Just show me a demo…”

1.     You respond, “Terrific – let’s schedule 8 hours for the demo – it will take that long to give you a reasonable introduction to our offering…  Or, we could invest 30 minutes to discuss your situation to give us the information we need to focus on what is most important for you – and the resulting demo will likely last well under an hour…”

Prospect says, “Just show me a demo…”

2.     You offer, “Dear customer, you are investing a great deal of time and energy in this process of finding and implementing a new system – let’s ensure that investment pays-off for you by making sure that we understand your situation/goals/needs/etc. fully before we do a demo…”

Prospect says, “Just show me a demo…”

3.     You say, “Oh!  This is exactly like having a severe headache and going to the doctor – and the doctor says, ‘You have a headache?  Great – go down to the pharmacy and try each of the 1000 drugs we offer – and then let me know which one works best…!’  We can continue on that pathway or, if you allow me to be your “physician”, I can ask questions that enable an accurate diagnosis – and a focused software demo prescription.”

Prospect says, “Just show me a demo…”

4.     You respond, “I’m guessing you don’t want to pay for capabilities that you don’t need – so instead of guessing, and likely wasting your time and mine, let’s invest a few minutes to discuss your actual needs.  The demo can then focus specifically on those capabilities.”

Prospect says, “Just show me a demo…”

5.     You say, “Fine…” and move (gently but firmly) into a Vision Generation Demo, that leads delightfully to a Discovery conversation.

Any other ideas to suggest?

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