Monday, November 23, 2020

Great Demo! “Book Club” Mini-Workshops

“You cannot have a conversation with a book…!”  

Here is an opportunity to work directly with the author or Great Demo! Partners and put key Great Demo! ideas into practice.  This two-part session has been very successful with Great Demo! “Book Clubs” in other software organizations.  

Part 1 includes a mini-clinic where we generate Situation Slides for one or more of your upcoming demos (or high-probability scenarios) and identify corresponding Illustrations – followed by specific guidance and practice on how to present these elements to customers, over the web.  

In Part 2 participants have the opportunity to get answers to their questions about the methodology – here are some typical examples:

  • How (and when) should we communicate our “competitive differentiators”?
  • How do we apply the methodology in situations where we have multiple players and/or multiple solutions?
  • How do we uncover the Delta (the value) and best communicate it?  What if we can’t get Delta numbers from the customer?
  • What do you really mean by “Do It Again?” – should we be repeating demo segments over and over?
  • How do we integrate effective stories into our demos?  And what is an effective story?
  • How to we best work with our sales counterparts – and what should their roles be in a demo?
  • How do we effectively “park” questions – and which ones should be parked – particularly when operating over the web?

Contact us if you would like to explore…!

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