Monday, September 13, 2021

Great Demo! Supporting the PreSales Academy

The Great Demo! team is delighted to announce a relationship with the PreSales Collective to provide and teach Great Demo! methodology elements for key sections of the PreSales Collective’s PreSales Academy.  Specifically, the PreSales Collective will use Great Demo! in the PreSales Academy’s Discovery, Demonstration, and Types of Technical Validation segments.

While the presales community is enjoying a renaissance in the availability of presales’ tools and skills training options, there is a growing need for presales practitioners.  The PreSales Academy seeks to bring new faces into presales, particularly from outside the software industry and from other disciplines within the industry.  The Academy training is designed to provide these people with basic, company-independent skills and knowledge to kick-start and accelerate the availability of presales candidates as new hires.  

The Great Demo! Discovery, Demonstration and Types of Technical Validation segments for the Academy are a subset of the full methodology, tailored specifically for the general, foundational objectives of the Academy.  These segments will be facilitated by Great Demo! Partners and Principals in live sessions, with testing to assess the participants’ retention of the key ideas.  Volunteers from the PreSales Collective are supporting the effort with coaching and role-play feedback.

In addition to these essential volunteers, the Great Demo! team encourages other presales vendors to support the Academy by providing similar industry-hardened training for other Academy segments.  Our overarching objective is to enable the presales community to grow – in numbers, to meet the critical need for presales practitioners and to accelerate the community’s development of richer skills and know-how.

Great Demo!’s Peter Cohan offered, “This represents a major step in providing industry-wide academy programs for presales that complement existing training.  We are delighted to participate and look forward to the first cohorts joining the workforce as presales new hires.”

The PreSales Collective’s Co-Founder James Kaikis stated, “PreSales is the best job that no one has ever heard of.  PreSales Academy (PSA) provides a stepping stone to breaking into the technology industry in a role that is not only incredibly important, but in demand.  PSA will open doors for the next generation of PreSales talent and play a vital role in bringing diversity to our wonderful profession.”

Yuji Higashi, PreSales Collective Co-Founder, commented, “PreSales is an incredibly rewarding career that more people should have access to.  With PreSales Academy, we’re excited to create a new pathway to PreSales, giving people who otherwise may not have the opportunity, the chance to change the trajectory of their careers and their lives.  Thank you to Great Demo! and everyone who has contributed to building PreSales Academy”.

Contact us at if you have questions or comments.

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