Thursday, February 29, 2024

Demo Do: Great Demos and Chunking


How do you verbally communicate a phone number to someone else? We “chunk” it, almost without thinking about it – and that’s a terrific model for software demos!

Consider a U.S. phone number: 6506313694. How would you share this number with someone else? (Say it out loud) “650, 631, 3694.” Some people might break it up even further as, “650, 631, 36, 94.” We put a brief pause or space between each two- or three-number chunk. We do this naturally!


This is even more true when communicating longer strings, such as European phone numbers. “+496934127856” would likely be spoken, “+49, 69, 34, 12, 78, 56.” We automatically chunk this without having to think about it.


Intriguingly, we receive information best in chunks, as well! If you asked someone for their phone number and they said, “+496934127856” as a single string without any gaps, most of us would have to ask for it to be repeated.


The same principle applies to demos!


The most successful demos have logical chunks that run only a few minutes. How do you form a chunk in a demo? By introducing the segment, presenting the capability(ies) in as much depth as your prospect or customer has interest, and then closing the chunk with a crisp summary. By adding a pause after your summary, you provide the opportunity for your prospect/customer to offer comments or ask questions.


The result is a delightful conversation as opposed to a traditional, boring, painful, demo monologue. You can find more on how to put this idea into practice in the Third Edition of Great Demo!



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