Friday, February 16, 2024

Open Your Eyes! How Is the Light Spectrum Like Doing Discovery?


The spectrum of light offers an interesting analogy for exploring discovery information. 

Most vendor reps limit their discovery to capturing what they see in pure black and white: a few simple pain statements. Some reps go a step further and include gray-scale information, digging deeper into prospect pain.

A limited number of more talented and successful customer-facing staff explore color more richly:

  • The browns and tans of demographics
  • The blues and greens of your prospect’s environment
  • Reds and shades of orange pigment your prospect’s workflow challenges and bottlenecks, problems and reasons, and desired improvements to deliverables
  • Variations of yellow, orange, and red illuminate related pains and impact
  • Critical Business Issues are reflected in sharp crimson
  • Critical Events and their driving forces are bright, high-energy violets
  • And brilliant metallic shades mirror the sheen of tangible value elements

Prospect cultural attributes add colored and shaded filters, often shifting, dampening, or brightening the entire spectrum of discovery information. For example, compare the spectral differences between blazing Early Adopters and greyed-out Late Majority organizations.

Open your “discovery eyes” and explore the full range of colors radiating from your prospects!

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