Friday, March 8, 2024

The Magic of Numbers in Communicating Value


A Never Stop Learning! Article



“Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.”

                  - Galileo Galilei



Which of the following vendor statements has more impact?


“If you buy our software, you’ll save time and money…!”


“If you implement our software, it looks like you will reduce your project completion time by 20%, you can redeploy 4 FTE to other more valuable tasks, and you will save over $750,000 annually, based on the numbers you provided.”


The difference between these two approaches is striking and has a huge impact on your prospects’ perceptions of value!


What’s in This Article for You?


-        Words vs numbers

-        How can three minutes be worth $24 million?

-        Building a compelling business case

-        Comprehending numbers and making them tangible

-        Aligning value communication with job title

-        The power of annualizing!

-        Some numbers you should memorize

-        A bit less about numbers

-        When should value be communicated?


You can find this article here – enjoy!

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