Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Thursday Webinar: Seven Levels of Stunningly Successful Discovery


“Everything else being equal, the vendor that does a better job in doing discovery will win the business…”

 – Head of Sales of an extraordinarily successful organization


Effective discovery that goes beyond traditional practices yields faster orders, fewer “No Decision” outcomes, crisper and more successful demos, and far fewer POCs. This webinar is designed to enable participants to achieve similar results.


The Seven Levels of Discovery Skills will guide our discussion:


-       Level 1:  Uncovers statements of pain.

-       Level 2:  Uncovers pain and explores more deeply.

-       Level 3:  Uncovers pain, explores deeply, broadens the pain and investigates the impact.

-       Level 4:  Uncovers pain, explores and broadens, investigates impact and quantifies.

-       Level 5:  Uncovers pain, explores and broadens, investigates impact, quantifies and reengineers vision.

-       Level 6:  Applies these skills to the broad range of prospects represented across the Technology Adoption Curve, “burn victims”, disruptive and new product categories, transactional sales cycles, and other scenarios.

-       Level 7:  Integrates and aligns the skills above into a cohesive discovery methodology.


Most folks operate at Levels 2 or 3 (when honestly assessed) – enjoy the rewards of more effective skills!


This Thursday at 8:00 AM Pacific Time - brought to you from the fine folks at Cloudshare. Register here! 

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