Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Discovery Don’t #1 Don’t Do Discovery at All!


Assume that all prospects are completely alike and have exactly the same needs, interests, and situations. While parts of this may be true (that’s what defines a market), this SAD (Stunningly Awful Discovery) assumption results in stunningly awful Harbor Tour demos, unnecessary POCs, numerous No Decision outcomes, and far-too-frequent losses to your competitors who actually do discovery!


Here’s an analogy of how ridiculous this is:


Imagine you feel very sick, and you head to the hospital. A doctor meets with you, but instead of asking any questions or performing any tests, they point you to the pharmacy and say, “Try each of the medications we have available and let me know if any work…”


That’s prescription without diagnosis, also known as medical malpractice!


Solution? Do discovery! Remember, discovery is done for both parties: to enable you as the vendor to propose a precise solution and to enable your prospect to feel confident that you have a sufficient understanding of their situation to be able to propose a precise solution.



This is #1 from The Dirty Dozen of Discovery Don’ts – you can find all twelve here! https://greatdemo.com/stunningly-awful-discovery-the-dirty-dozen-of-discovery-donts/ 


You can find the full set of DO’s and DON’Ts in Doing Discovery: 



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