Monday, September 16, 2024

Webinar – Seven Validated Habits for Stunningly Successful Demos!


\Wednesday September 25 at 11:00 AM Eastern, 8:00 AM Pacific, 17:00 CET

Register Here! 


“You've prepared, you've practiced, you've poured your heart into your demo... and still, no sale. What gives? Peter Cohan, author of Great Demo! and Doing Discovery has analyzed thousands of demos to answer this specific question.


Join us on September 25, 11:00 AM ET for a conversation with Peter, where he’ll reveal the seven data-based success factors that turn ordinary demos into deal-closing machines.


If you joined us for Peter’s previous webinar on Successful Discovery, you already know he’s all about delivering practical tips you can start using right away. 


You'll learn:


·      The common pitfalls of traditional demos.

·      How to craft demos that speak directly to your prospect's needs and vision.

·      Seven essential habits that drive demo success.

·      Actionable techniques you can apply to your very next demo - instantly.


Let’s turn your prospects’ “maybe” into a definite “yes” 👍 – Register here!”

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