Monday, June 17, 2024

Demo Don’t #3 Start with a Corporate Overview: “Death by Corporate Overview…”


Make Number 2 (“Present a Long, Linear Demo That Saves the Best for Last” from last week) even worse by starting with twenty minutes of your corporate overview. Regale your audience with your mission statement (yawn), your company’s formation and history (yawn), your revenues-over-time, office locations, markets, products, and that smorgasbord of customer logos (yawn, yawn, yawwwwn, zzzzzz…).


This strategy will ensure that:


1.     The most important people leave before you can even start the demo.

2.     You’ll have to go really fast to show everything you want to show in the time remaining!


Doing this also sets you up nicely for SAD (Stunningly Awful Demos) item Number 4!


Solution? Start the meeting with a crisp summary of your prospect’s situation, using a Great Demo! Situation Slide. (See Chapter 6 in the Third Edition of Great Demo!) It’s all about your prospect!



This is #3 of The Stunningly Awful Demos Top Ten List – you can find all ten (plus a bonus) here! 

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