Friday, February 7, 2025

Can AI Agents Do Effective Discovery?

Can an AI agent evince real curiosity? Can an AI agent show real empathy? Can an AI agent make it a real conversation?


Not yet... 


Can an AI agent detect frustration, anger, sadness, loss, joy, happiness, relief, and other important human emotions? Can an AI agent respond appropriately to these emotions?


Not yet... But perhaps soon.


So, one next major logical step could be buyers' AI agents interacting with vendors' AI agents, on behalf of their humans, seeking (hopefully) optimized win-win outcomes.


In this case, our jobs may move from human-to-human interactions to training, testing, and improving our respective AI agents!


We have a similar example, perhaps, in the change from individual, piece-by-piece hand production to automated production lines. Worker’s jobs changed from making each article to managing the production lines, with a loss of traditional jobs due to automation. But other jobs appeared, including designing, implementing, testing, troubleshooting, and improving these same production lines.



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