Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Are You in Software Presales or Sales? We Need Your Insights!

The fine folks at Saleo are running an important survey of sales and presales demo practices: Please provide your input! Here’s their description:


“We’re compiling the definitive software demo benchmark report and want to hear from professionals like you. The survey should take just 5 minutes, and your input will help shape key industry insights.

Share your experience with:

πŸ“… Workload and preptime around demos
πŸ’» Leading methods of demo delivery
πŸ“ˆ Measuring demo success and analytics
And more

As a bonus: 20 respondents will be randomly selected to snag a $25 Visa gift card as a thank-you.

Share your thoughts here:  https://h6kq7zlpn98.typeform.com/to/Hr2gXjZO#source=cohan

Participants will receive an early copy of the benchmark report!”

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