Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Curiously Intriguing Thoughts for 2025 (and Beyond)!

Do the Last Thing First!


42% of all statistics are made up…


Improvement is an evergreen process!


Avoid Buying It Back!


Be Curious!

Secure the order with the least expensive form of proof


Suspend Disbelief!


One picture is worth 1,000 words, one (Great Demo!) Illustration is worth 1,000 mouse clicks!


Being early is on time; Being on time is late; And being late is inexcusable!


Demos should be perceived as a precision exercise

Fewest Number of Clicks!


We are victims of momentum


Fail fast, fail early, fail cheaply. If you are going to lose in a sales opportunity, it is best to fail as early and correspondingly cheaply as possible!


We live our lives in a state of constant confirmation bias!




Situation Slides are the currency of clear communication


People learn best from people they don’t know – ask any parent!


Don’t become a member of the “Sales Prevention Team!”


Perspiration is inversely proportional to preparation


Stop selling when the prospect is ready to buy!


The only difference between sales and training is that sales includes an exchange of money


A discovery call is a structured conversation; a demo is a conversational performance!


Cohan’s Razor: Given the choice of multiple paths in a demo, choose the shortest. (Apologies to William of Occam.)


Qualification is done solely for the vendor; discovery is done for the benefit of both parties


Never Stop Learning!


What's another word for thesaurus?


The only organism on the earth that does not learn is the human species – and only when it chooses not to do so!


I like sausage but don't want to know how it's made!


You eat with your eyes first – the same is true in demos!


They always say, “Do more with Les,” so I’m changing my name to Les…!


Just because you could show a demo doesn’t mean that you should…!


Adults Learn by Repetition. Let me say that again…


The same bad thing should never happen to you more than once, if it is under your control!


Doing discovery is a simple as ABC: Always Be Curious!


The vendor that performs a superior job in discovery is in a competitively advantageous position!


Never try to sell software to a company that makes pain medication…


It’s like peeling back the layers of an onion. And what happens if you peel back the layers too far? You cry!


There’s nothing sacred about Slide-Show mode…!


“It’s OK, dear prospect, to say no…

Monday, December 30, 2024

Premature Elaboration: A Curable Disease!



1.     Presenting “solutions” without sufficient discovery

2.     Pre-answering questions that the vendor hears frequently (but weren’t asked by this prospect)



1.     Do discovery before presenting solutions.

2.     Let your prospect ask the questions and encourage a conversation!


And here are where you can find the cures!


Doing Discovery



Great Demo! Third Edition:


Friday, December 27, 2024

Critical Dates – Prevent Prospect Procrastination


“Your prospect’s Critical Date is not your end of quarter…!”


Vendor sales teams at the end of every quarter and especially at the end of their fiscal years are throwing buckets of money at prospects in the form of discounts and other incentives in hopes of closing business by the end of the quarter. How much discounting does your team do?


I asked Google, “What's a typical end of quarter discount for SaaS software sales?” and the AI-generated response seems about right: 


“A typical end-of-quarter discount for SaaS software sales can range from 10% to 20% depending on the company, deal size, and customer type, with many companies offering discounts around the 15% mark to close deals and meet their quarterly quotas; however, some may offer larger discounts, especially for enterprise customers or when trying to close a particularly large deal.”


It’s like vendors are bleeding revenue at the end of every quarter! How can we stop this hemorrhaging? 


You’ll find answers here!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Congrats You Just Gave a Horrible Demo!

Excellent and amusing summary of key Great Demo! ideas in a 39-minute podcast! 


Type “Cohan” in the search box and choose episode 13 “Congrats You Just Gave a Horrible Demo!” 


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Hey Presales and Sales! Which of These Don’t You Know But Should?


Test yourself! Do you know:


-       What are Expansion Questions?

-       What are Ranging Probes?

-       What are Biased Questions?

-       What is quid pro quo in discovery?

-       What are Value Realization Events?

-       What are advantages for the incumbent vendor?

-       What is a perfect demo environment?

-       What is a Vision Generation Demo?

-       How do I avoid No Decision outcomes?

-       How do I avoid Buying It Back?

-       How can I encrispen my demos?

-       What’s makes a great Illustration?

-       How should I present screens in demos?

-       How should I do discovery with executives?

-       What should I demo to executives?

-       What is the Database Breakeven Point?

-       What’s the Dunning Kruger Effect?

-       What’s the Serial Positioning Effect and the Primacy Recency Effect?

-       What is Inverted Pyramid?


Here’s a Holiday Season Challenge: Pick one topic to explore every couple of days and commit ten or twenty minutes to learn about it. The Resources Pages at https://GreatDemo.com is the place to start.


Bonus: If you need help finding answers, let me know and I’ll do my best to point you in the right direction!


It’s an investment in yourself!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Is Mirroring Authentic?


Many coaches/experts encourage us to use mirroring as a method of building rapport in our meetings with prospects and customers.


It is also generally agreed that we should all be authentic.


Is mirroring authentic?

Friday, December 20, 2024

‘Twas the Night Before the Big Demo

 ‘Twas the Night Before the Big Demo


(with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore)


‘Twas the night ‘fore the demo and all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, ‘cept my SE and their mouse;

I’d proposed a big licensing deal with great care

In hope that a big order soon would be there;


Management was restless and not in their beds

As visions of bonuses danced in their heads;

And my VP with their forecast and me with my own,

Had just started a long EOQ roam,


When out from my mobile there came a great tone,

I sprang from my chair to answer my phone,

What could it be? Was it good news or no?

A last-minute order? A contract? PO?


Greetings, said my PA, who spoke on the line,

It was someone to see me, offering help at this time!

Who could it be at this last-minute hour,

To make the deal sweet and avoid something sour?


Away to the door I flew in a flash,

And swept it wide open in my quest for fast cash,

When who to my wondering eyes should appear,

The DemoGuru! And standing so near!


He came in my office and while dusting off snow

Said, “I have some news that you’ll want to know.”

He drew up a chair and asked for some tea,

And said to my VP, SE and to me:


“Your deal is in trouble and I’ll tell you now,

Your demo’s confusing, complex and lacks ‘Wow!’

It’s riddled with features and functions and more,

And too many ‘cool’ things, mouse clicks galore,


Start with discovery, that’s where it begins,

Most folks do too little, that’s one of their sins,

Ask questions, be curious, give quid pro quo too,

And bias your prospect in favor of you,


Generate vision, (many miss this key step)

Give before getting and avoid big regret,

Rich dialog is the goal at this point,

A demo without it is far out of joint.


Now on to your demo, but be novel, don’t bore,

Prospects all know there’s always much more,

Traditional demos are painful indeed,

A new methodology: That’s what you need!


Don’t flog them with features and other neat stuff,

Stick with the substance, stay ‘way from the fluff,

The more that you show is not always nice,

Your prospects will say, ‘Please lower the price!’


The Buzzword-Compliant Vocabulary list,

Are words, I’m afraid, that are better off missed,

Not Flexible, nor Powerful, nor Easy-to-Use,

Robust and World-class are words that abuse,


And no corporate overview, please don’t do that,

After ten minutes they’re grabbing their hat,

Use real data, stay focused, on target, be brief,

Build vision, while you suspend disbelief!


Your prospect is queued and ready to go,

They love the vision you’ve built with them so.

They want Technical Proof in the demo you’ve planned,

Specific Capabilities, everything else banned.”


“But how can we do this?” I heard myself cry,

“We victims of momentum, we’re nervous to try

Another approach, a new way to go,

We have to admit we’re just a bit slow!”


Do the Last Thing First!” he said with a smile,

“Then Peel Back the Layers, and Do It with style,

Start with each job title is what I endorse,

Then Invert your pyramid to determine the course,


Your prospect’s Situation is a great way to start,

Their Problems and Reasons; CBI is the heart,

Review these and check – is this still the case?

Are we aligned or are we off base?


Start with the end, that big pay-off screen,

Crisply describe just what they are seeing!

Capture their interest, compel their attention,

Make sure it aligns with their mode of retention.


When it clicks and they’re hooked, they’ll then ask for more,

There’s absolutely no way that they’ll head for the door.

They’ll say, ‘That looks great, now prove that it’s so,

Is it easy to use? Please show us the flow.’


Then Do It, just Do It, with no extra clicks,

To return to that Illustrative image that sticks,

Make it simple and fast, make it easy and clear,

Then they will realize they’ve nothing to fear,


Encourage their questions, most are not new,

Good ones and Great ones (and Stupid ones too),

When ‘yes’ won’t suffice, avoid sowing seeds,

Parking Lots help keep you out of the weeds,


Peel back the layers, like an onion you skin,

Show only what’s needed, put nothing else in,

Let them drive the demo, a real conversation,

Compelling, engaging, (and sales stage conversion!)


Move your mouse smoothly, no zippy distractions

Helps you avoid confusing retractions.

Please point precisely, call out color and axis,

Doing this well may take some real practice!


Then summarize, summarize, repeat what you said,

Adults need to hear it three times (it is said),

And when you do show a key take-away screen,

Leave it up, let it linger, so they’ll know what they’ve seen!”


“I get it – I’ll do it!” exclaimed my SE, 

“This is all so obvious, it’s way clear to me!”

And they sprang into action, their mouse flew like lightening,

(Frankly, their speed was a little bit frightening!)


The DemoGuru smiled and then he said,

“Your way is now clear, put that baby to bed,

Your deal’s now on track, your order secure,

You’ll make your numbers at the end of the year”,


Then he strode from my office in the flash of a pun,

Turned ‘round and he said, “My job here is done,”

Ere he drove out of sight, he offered this cheer,

Great Demo! to all and to all a great year!”


Happy Holidays and Winter/Summer Solstice!

 – The DemoGuru

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