Many Great Demo! Workshop principals and participants ask what they can do to keep the implementation process moving forward, after a Workshop completes. One simple (and surprisingly effective) tactic is to do a “Demo Day”. This is an extension of the role-play sessions practiced in the Workshop, where each person or team presents an 8-10 minute demo to the overall group, followed by feedback and discussion. This reinforces the key concepts and surfaces new tips and best practices – and is a highly valuable exercise whether or not the team has had the pleasure of participating in a demo skills Workshop.
I typically suggest allocating about 30 minutes per role-play to give sufficient time for the demo, feedback, technical glitches and break time. In a half-day session you present and review 8 demos easily.
A Demo Day is something that teams and principals can do on their own or [warning: shameless self-promotion alert!] have someone who is highly skilled in teaching and coaching demo practices facilitate – me, for example!