Friday, June 21, 2024

Stunningly Awful vs Truly Terrific Competitive Differentiation – What, When, and How?


“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.”

 – St. Jerome


Competitive differentiation: Vendors want to differentiate, vendors try to differentiate, but most vendors fail to meaningfully and successfully differentiate in the opinion of their prospects. When done poorly, differentiation can be stunningly awful, when done well it can win a lifetime customer!


What’s in this article for you?


-       What Is Competitive Differentiation?  

-       When to Differentiate?

-       How to Differentiate?

-       Capabilities Beyond Your Software

-       Buyer and Champion Enablement

-       What About Price?


Let’s explore…!

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