Thursday, February 29, 2024

Demo Do: Great Demos and Chunking


How do you verbally communicate a phone number to someone else? We “chunk” it, almost without thinking about it – and that’s a terrific model for software demos!

Consider a U.S. phone number: 6506313694. How would you share this number with someone else? (Say it out loud) “650, 631, 3694.” Some people might break it up even further as, “650, 631, 36, 94.” We put a brief pause or space between each two- or three-number chunk. We do this naturally!


This is even more true when communicating longer strings, such as European phone numbers. “+496934127856” would likely be spoken, “+49, 69, 34, 12, 78, 56.” We automatically chunk this without having to think about it.


Intriguingly, we receive information best in chunks, as well! If you asked someone for their phone number and they said, “+496934127856” as a single string without any gaps, most of us would have to ask for it to be repeated.


The same principle applies to demos!


The most successful demos have logical chunks that run only a few minutes. How do you form a chunk in a demo? By introducing the segment, presenting the capability(ies) in as much depth as your prospect or customer has interest, and then closing the chunk with a crisp summary. By adding a pause after your summary, you provide the opportunity for your prospect/customer to offer comments or ask questions.


The result is a delightful conversation as opposed to a traditional, boring, painful, demo monologue. You can find more on how to put this idea into practice in the Third Edition of Great Demo!



Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Discovery and Demo Don’t: “Your Current Solution”

I frequently hear vendors talk about “your current solution” in discovery conversations and demos with prospects. Using the word “solution” implies that the problem is solved and hence the prospect’s “current solution” may still be sufficient. 

Our objective is to move our prospects away from the status quo and therefore using “solution” as part of the description of their current environment may be counterproductive.


I’d suggest using “your current situation”, “your current state”, or similar phrasing to help you position your prospect’s current condition as more problematic.


Other suggestions, folks?

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Stunningly Awful Demos – Two Words to Avoid

A Never Stop Learning! Article



“Our lives are frittered away by details; simplify, simplify.”

       - Henry David Thoreau



What’s in This Article for You?


-       A sad story

-       An annoying GPS

-       The dreaded “if”

-       The horror of “or”

-       Solutions!


Name two words that strike fear and terror into the hearts of prospects watching a software demonstration: Two words that lengthen demos and turn short, crisp pathways into journeys worthy of Norse sagas. These are, of course:


“If”   and   “Or”


A Sad Story


I was watching a demo of a tool that was organized like a wizard, stepping the user through the various workflow steps. It was a rather wonderful wizard. Rich with features. Ripe with options. The depth and breadth of the capabilities it offered were legion!


How do I know this?


The rep delivering the demo introduced his plan, noting that he would execute one specific task. He then began clicking and talking, clicking and talking, finally finishing the process fifty-five minutes later. Truly breathtaking, but not in a positive way!


I said, “Could you please start again and run your software the way that someone would use it to complete that same task on a day-to-day basis?”


He said, “Sure” and launched into the process a second time. How long do you think it took for this run? Three and a half minutes.


Wait, what? 


That’s right: Using the tool to complete this same task as it would be done by a real user took only 3.5 minutes vs the 55 minutes consumed in his demo. What was the difference?


You can find the balance of this article here – enjoy!

Monday, February 26, 2024

Rev Shots: What Is Lead Churn? (And How to Capitalize on Others’ Mistakes!)


I joined the fabulous Dionne Meyer of Inside Sales by Design for this 25-minute Rev Shots discussion – here is Dionne’s summary:


“Wow! Our Rev Shots show with Peter on Feb 23rd was fantastic. We covered a lot of ground so if making your demos better (i.e., generating more revenue), this is a must listen!

We talked about a simple three-prong approach to leveraging the "demo" step in the sales process to make it more in line with what our customers want. Meaning, we meet our buyers where they are in their buying cycle verses pulling them into our selling process.

This also means, our sellers must have conversational skills and the ability to ferret out what the client is NOT asking that is important. Bottom line, we're talking about a blend of our sales process and that of our buyer's to create the ultimate buying experience and customer engagement moment.

The three-pronged approach consists of:
- Tech-Touch - every interaction is automated
- Low-Touch - conduct a Vision Generation Demo
- High-Touch - our seasoned and knowledgeable people meet our buyers first

Take a listen for more nuggets of wisdom and let us know your thoughts!
Thank you Peter, we look forward to having you back and talking more!”



Now, here are the details:


“The Potentially Gushing Leak in Your Pipeline!

We’re talking through the following points with Peter Cohan:


-        ‘Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets’

-        You click the ‘Book a Demo’ button on a vendor’s website – what happens next?

-        What happens when you get qualified out?

-        Some low-cost, low-touch solutions

-        Some moderate-cost, high-touch solutions (and their advantages)


Join us as we plug the hole in our leaky bucket!” 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Demo Jockeys Interview – Doing Discovery

I joined the fabulous folks at the Demo Jockeys for a discussion of the Doing Discovery book. Here’s a timeline for part 1 of the interview:


0:00     Marriage advice from the hosts…

4:15     Episode intro

5:40     Connecting with people through discovery

6:00     Interview begins

7:30     Best idea from the book

9:00     Talking about discovery vs actually doing discovery

10:00   A story – learning some interesting lessons

12:00   The nature of the Doing Discovery book – providing the “how”

14:00   Why to actually do the exercises

16:00   A starting point for discovery – checklists

18:00   How discovery structure is helpful

18:30   What is a happy ears score?

19:30   “Differentiation” vs Buying It Back

21:00   The use of Biased Questions to differentiate successfully

            And an example

27:00   Discovery feedback and summaries

29:00   The teaser for part 2



Thursday, February 22, 2024

Demo Don’t: Do Discovery and Ignore It in the Demo


 It’s hard to believe this would ever happen and yet it does, far too frequently!


Imagine sitting down in a restaurant and exploring the menu carefully. You ask the waiter several questions about the various choices and after consideration you make your selections.


A few minutes later, your waiter brings the food and places your plates proudly in front of you, but it wasn’t at all what you ordered! How would you feel?


Annoyed, you observe to the waiter, “This isn’t what I asked for!” He says, “Well, this is what we serve everyone, regardless of what they said they want…!”


My guess is that this restaurant will be out of business soon… And so will the vendor that has their prospects invest in a discovery conversation and then ignore the findings in their demos!


Guidance? Simple! Do discovery and then focus on the Specific Capabilities needed by the prospect and remember to Do the Last Thing First! You’ll find the recipe for success in Great Demo! Third Edition.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

An Occasional Daily Quote

“Listening to other companies’ customers is the best way to gain market share, while listening to the visionaries is the best way to create new markets.” 

- Esther Dyson

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


The moment I see the word “delve” in a post, article, or eBook, I know it was written by ChatGPT. It is the very rare human who uses “delve” in real life!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Demo Don’t: “It’s Slow Today Because…”

How many times have you heard a vendor say in a demo, “It’s slow today because…”? Each time a vendor utters that phrase, they are communicating that their software has performance problems, generating an unnecessary negative impression. Here’s a quick cure for that frightening phrase:

Don’t say it!

The performance/speed of your software is often beyond your control, being dependent on a range of factors including your network, internet connections, cloud servers, etc. It is what it is.

So, get over it.

When you say, “It’s slow today because…,” there’s only one word your audience will remember: “slow.”

Your audience has no idea what performance should look like and you are likely the only person that noticed that things are not as swiftly as you might desire. Here are a few recommendations:

1. When you see that your software isn’t operating as crisply as you expect, fill the time with a description of what it is doing. For example, “Right now the software is searching millions of records using the filters you just set, doing the ‘slicing and dicing’ for the analysis, and will pass the refined results to your dashboard…”

Hopefully, your software will have returned the results by that time and everything will look natural. Have a series of filler sentences ready, accordingly.

2. What if your software still hasn’t completed its work by that point? Invite the comparison. You say, “The software may take a minute or two to finish this process, but I invite you to compare that minute executed automatically by the software vs what has been taking you and your team two weeks, done manually…!”

Very elegant, very professional!

You can find many more tips and best practices in the Third Edition of Great Demo! 

Friday, February 16, 2024

Open Your Eyes! How Is the Light Spectrum Like Doing Discovery?


The spectrum of light offers an interesting analogy for exploring discovery information. 

Most vendor reps limit their discovery to capturing what they see in pure black and white: a few simple pain statements. Some reps go a step further and include gray-scale information, digging deeper into prospect pain.

A limited number of more talented and successful customer-facing staff explore color more richly:

  • The browns and tans of demographics
  • The blues and greens of your prospect’s environment
  • Reds and shades of orange pigment your prospect’s workflow challenges and bottlenecks, problems and reasons, and desired improvements to deliverables
  • Variations of yellow, orange, and red illuminate related pains and impact
  • Critical Business Issues are reflected in sharp crimson
  • Critical Events and their driving forces are bright, high-energy violets
  • And brilliant metallic shades mirror the sheen of tangible value elements

Prospect cultural attributes add colored and shaded filters, often shifting, dampening, or brightening the entire spectrum of discovery information. For example, compare the spectral differences between blazing Early Adopters and greyed-out Late Majority organizations.

Open your “discovery eyes” and explore the full range of colors radiating from your prospects!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Leveraging Attention-Retention Curves in Demos

A Never Stop Learning! Article

When does your audience pay the most attention in your demos? 

At the beginning? In the middle? At the end?

When do they pay the least attention? And what do they really remember from your demos?

A simple exercise may provide answers that surprise you and convince you to consider turning your demos “upside down” to improve your win rates.

What’s in This Article for You

  • A simple experiment that yields intriguing and frightening results
  • How the Attention-Retention Curve impacts traditional demos
  • Why did Elvis leave the room?
  • What else do audiences “remember”?
  • Taking advantage of the Attention-Retention Curve

You can find this intriguing article here: 


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

An Occasional Daily Quote

“I am the world’s worst salesman, therefore, I must make it easy for people to buy.”

- F. W. Woolworth 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Amplify Presales’ Voice!


For years, many presales leaders, managers, and staff have lamented their comparative lack of a substantial “voice” in discussions of sales opportunities, particularly in comparison to the strength of the “voice” of their sales counterparts.

This can change!

Given that it is data that drives decisions (hopefully!), presales players now have the ability to generate the data necessary to support their opinions and causes. Tools like Homerun, PreSkale, Provarity, Elvance, Vivun, and others provide the vehicle to track activities and link to resulting outcomes.

Use these tools!

Each piece of data that is entered into these tools adds a fraction of a decibel to the presales’ voice within your organization. A handful of data is a whisper; a bit more and you have a murmur. Each contribution of data increases the volume, turning it into a compelling voice, reflecting a fact-based body of information and experience.

Prior to the availability of these tools, individual presales voices were largely unheard. Even presales leadership suffered from a lack of data to support their concerns. The forces of “hope” repeatedly overcame those of “reason.”

Presales information management tools act as amplifiers, enabled by the accumulation, aggregation, and analysis of sufficient data. Now, the ability to reduce the thousands of demos wasted due to a lack of discovery, pointless POCs, ridiculous RFP responses is at hand. With adequate data, perhaps we can also address the biggest competitor of all for many vendors: The No Decision outcome. 

Deliver the data!

Document your time; document your observations, document your discovery notes, document what happens in your POCs, and other presales activities. Where possible, track the time you invest and note the outcomes. The richer the data, the stronger your voice will grow.

“But I hate to enter data…!”

So do I. But this is an investment in your future. You can significantly impact your organization’s processes and decisions through the act of recording the parameters available to you.

  • How much discovery information do you receive prior to demos? Document it!
  • How many demos are a waste of time? Record them!
  • How many POCs are fruitlessly consuming massive amounts of presales resources? Document the details!
  • How many sales opportunities are pursued in spite of poor product fit? Record it!
  • How many deals are lost due to the lack of a feature? Enter that info!

Bonus for Great Demo! and Doing Discovery practitioners and leaders: Capture Situation Slide information in these tools and track wins, losses to competition, and losses to No Decision, along with other parameters such as product fit to boost the amplification of your voice.

Do it for your organization; do it for your team; do it for yourself!